Who We Are


Scouting in Uganda started in 1915 by Rev. Cannon Grace at Mbarara High School in Western Uganda, where he was posted as a Teacher from England. He later was able to start the 2nd Troop at Mengo High School and the 3rd at Old Kampala Secondary School.

later opened other Scout troops throughout the country. Scouts in Uganda fall under the umbrella organization of Uganda Scouts Association which is part of a larger world Scouting body – The World Organization of the Scout Movement.

The Foundation of Scouting


"By 2025 Scouting will be Uganda’s leading Educational Youth Movement, enabling 5 million young people to be active citizens creating positive change in their communities."


The mission of Scouting is to contribute to the Education of young people through a value system based on the scout promise and law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in Society.

Scouts Promise

“On my honour

I promise that I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country,

To help other people at all times, and

To obey the Scout Law.”

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  • 1935: Lord Baden Powell visited Uganda Scouts

  • 1938: The first general Scouts camp was held at Kaazi.

  • 1944: Uganda Scout Association granted Certificate of registration as a corporate body

  • 1947: The first National Scout Jamboree was held at Kaazi.

  • 1951: The common wealth Chief Scout Lord Rowallan visited Uganda

  • 1952: Uganda sent Scouts for the first time to attend an international event in England.

  • 1956: Lady Olave Baden Powell the World Chief Guide visited Uganda

  • 1961: Kesi Nganwa became the first Ugandan Chief Commissioner

  • 1964: Uganda Scouts Association granted a charter for full membership to WOSM.

  • 1965: The second National Jamboree was held at Kaazi to commemorate 50 years of Scouting.

  • 1965 - 70: Scouting’s golden era in Uganda tremendous development.
