Safe Water Projects
Safe water is a basic necessity of life. Scouts in conjunction with communities identify spring wells and improve them to provide safe water for those communities to consume.
Through this Scouts are able to give back to their communities by protecting and improve spring wells.
This is a child friendly program for children between 10~15 years of age which creates awareness and supports advocacy efforts by guides and scouts in primary schools in their local communities .The program prepares scouts and guides through their adolescence development stages and empowers them with knowledge and life skills during the different stages of growth and development in areas of menstrual Hygiene Management, Gender Equality, STEM,Advocacy, Life Skills and Income Generating Activities

Scouts against Malaria
This is a program undertaken by Uganda scouts Association to contribute to the fight against Malaria in communities with children under the age of year years and expectant mothers. The program emphasizes advocacy on how to prevent malaria and referral to health centers in case one has malaria.
Scouts donate mosquito nets in communities that are at risk of contracting Malaria.

Scouts and enveritas coffee project
Enveritas has partnered with Uganda scouts association to carry out the program in Uganda. Enveritas is a U.S. non -profit making company that conducts Research and survey to collects information about coffee farmers, to better understand coffee production, farmer livelihoods and Problems coffee farmers face.
The data collected is used for purposes of research, education and possible support programs for coffee farmers in the future.