Rover scouting

Who are Rover Scouts?

Rover Scouts are the most senior Section of the Scouting program and are for young people ages 18-26. Although many Rover Scouts have progressed through all or most of the younger Scouting Sections, a Rover Scout is for any young person interested in self-discovery through adventure.


The Rover Scout Crew

A Rover Scout Crew is an integral part of a Scout
Group. A complete Group consists of a Wolf Cub Pack, Boy
Scout Troop and Rover Scout Crew, with the addition, if
desired (except in Scotland) of a Senior Scout Troop. The
Crew is led by a warranted Scouter, responsible to the
Group Scoutmaster (G.S.M.). He is called a “Rover Scout
Leader” (R.S.L.). The membership of a Crew is of two
kinds: full members, called Rover Scouts; and Rover Squires, who are on probation to see if Rovering suits
them and if they suit Rovering. Fuller details about the
composition of a Rover Scout Crew are set out in Appendix
I (Rules 254-263).


The primary task of the Rover Section is that of
continuing and completing the progressive training in
citizenship given to Cubs, Scout and Senior Scouts in a
manner suited to the age of Rovers. Accordingly “what they
do” is almost entirely related to the performance of this
task. The Rover Section tackles its job along the lines
which were laid down by the Founder, and which have proved
themselves over the years. By the development of
character, intelligence, health, strength and skill-ofhand Rovers are encouraged to make useful careers for
themselves, helped to prepare themselves for their future
family responsibilities and to fit themselves for service
to the community. Most of all, they are assisted to put
the principles of the Scout Promise and Law into practice
in their daily lives, in the hope that their example may
infect other people with the magic of the Scout Spirit.
All Scout training is continuous and progressive;
Rover training no less so. The programme which has been
laid down and which is described below is designed to
occupy some three to four years of a Rover’s spare time.
Thus the average Rover should be able to complete his
formal training by his 22nd birthday, which would allow
him up to a further couple of years in the Crew while he
decides where his future service lies.


The Training of a Rover Squire
The object of a Rover Squire’s probation is not
merely to get him accustomed to the ways of Rovering. It
is to provide time and opportunity for his training for
the requirements which he must meet before he can be
invested as a Rover Scout. These are of two kinds,
practical and spiritual.
The minimum practical requirements are set out in
Appendix I (Rule 266). The amount of training needed will
of course, vary with the individual Rover Squire. It
should, wherever possible, be left to one or, preferably,
two “Sponsors” who are invested Rover Scouts appointed by
the Crew Council for that purpose. One should be as
experienced a Rover as is available – e.g., one holding
the B.-P. Award – the other should preferably be a friend
of the Rover Squire. Both should have the purpose of
Rovering and the tradition of the Crew very much at heart.
Acting as a Sponsor to a Squire is not only an honour and
a responsibility, but is a very valuable part of a Rover
Scout’s own training in leadership by example. Rovering
relies on conscientious Sponsors to ensure that only
really acceptable candidates, those who are likely to
benefit from Rovering, are allowed to go forward to full
membership of the Crew.
The spiritual training of a Rover Squire is best left
to the R.S.L. himself, unless the Sponsors are very
experienced and quite reliable. The Sponsors can and
should help indirectly by the force of their example, by
themselves demonstrating how to approach the Scout Promise
and Law from the standpoint of an adult. Moreover, they
should belong to some religious body and attend its
services, and by so doing they will impress upon the
Squire that this is expected of all members of the Scout
The R.S.L., when helping the Rover Squire to prepare
himself for his Presentation, will find the Founders’
“Interpretation of the Scout Promise and Law” (see
Appendix IV) of great help; but not infrequently more than
that is needed. Should the R.S.L. feel personally
inadequate for the task, there is no harm in seeking
assistance from the Group Chaplain, a Minister of Religion
or an experienced Scouter (if the Squire has no
objection), but advice of this sort, however valuable,cannot relieve the R.S.L. from his overall responsibility
of ensuring that before a Rover Squire starts his Vigil
and proceeds to his Investiture his spiritual preparation
is adequate.